What we eat is key in managing diabetes. There is no one size fits all plan. The key recommendation is achieving glycemic control.
Glycemic control is :
Non-starchy vegetables and a high-fiber diet are key to helping control diabetes. Decrease your sugar and refined grains. Five examples of refined grains are white flour, white rice, white bread, bagels, and waffles. These foods lead to increase blood sugar levels. Having too much sugar in the blood for lengthy periods can lead to significant health problems like heart and kidney disease, stroke, or vision problems to name a few.
Some examples of non-starchy foods and high-fiber foods are Spinach, Avocado, Almonds, Lentils Flaxseeds, Eggplant, Asparagus, and Blackberries.
Use the plate method: fill half with non-starchy vegetables ex. broccoli, salad, quarter protein ex chicken, turkey and quarter with carbs ex. beans ,yogurt
Low Glycemic Breakfast -
Oatmeal with a Twist:
1. Steel cut oatmeal- 1 CUP
2. Ground flax seed - 1 TSP
3. Unsweetened almond milk -1 CUP
4. Vanilla extract - 1 TSP
5. Sweetner -1 TSP
6. Nutmeg- 1 TSP
7. Cinnamon -1 TSP
Cook the oats with water for 15-20 minutes. Add milk, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, flaxseed and Sweetner. Mix ingredients and enjoy.